Principal prizes:
- Axelle Fanyo and Tokiko Hosoya
- Ellen Valkenburg and Andrea Vasi
- Angelo Pollak and Fiona Pollak
The student jury named Caroline Jestaedt and Anastasia Levandovskaia their favourite. The audience prize went to Michael Borth and Pieter van Delden, who were also rewarded with participation in the Schubertstichting masterclass, to be given by Henk Neven and Hans Eijsackers. The Vrienden van het Lied Prize, consisting of a series of concerts, was given to Claire Lees and Lies Braakman.
Ad ‘s-Gravezande – chair
Olaf Bär – baritone
Johannette Zomer – soprano
Thomas Steinhöfel – piano
Hans Eijsackers – piano
Marien Van Nieukerken – artistic leader
Jaqrd van Nes – mezzosoprano