ISLDC Foundation
The ISLDC Foundation (Stichting Internationaal Liedconcours) was established in 2008. It is a not-for-profit organisation, the only aim is the organization of the bi-annual Lied Duo competition. Its establishment was inspired by the fact that a competition of this kind was not as yet organized in Europe. The challenge of offering students this opportunity was taken up with great pleasure.
For its financial resources, the foundation is completely dependent upon sponsorships, financial aids from both private and governmental funds, and to a minor extent on entrance fees from participants and the audience.
The ISLDC Foundation has acquired the status of Culturele Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI-cultuur), which means that gifts to the foundation are tax-deductible at 125% under Dutch tax law. Please refer to the Tax Service for more specific information.
Formal information on the foundation as well as information concerning the ANBI status are found on the ANBI page.